DIRECT SELLING MAGAZINE / LIFEHACKS Root founders Christina Rahm and Clayton Thomas

The ROOT Brands Clayton-Thomas Dr. Christina Rahm life hacks

According to Dr. Christina Rahm and Clayton Thomas, we are all imperfect pieces of a perfect puzzle. We are needed as unique individuals: “If you condense our success hacks into three words, you have our most important advice for all areas of life. Create greatness! Create greatness whenever and wherever the opportunity arises!”

[Network Marketing Success Hacks]

People perform better when they are connected. Results are everything. Find what speaks to you and share it. If you feel like you have to sell, it's not a good fit yet. The true power of billion-dollar markets lies with customers. The same goes for network marketing and you. Be authentic and learn to communicate. Leverage tools, media and messaging and you will achieve massive success. Network marketing is all about relationships and communication.

[Success hacks for dealing with failure

Failure is the best school for entrepreneurial success. The greatest successes come from continued trial and error processes. Take a look at the stories of great inventors like Edison or the Wright brothers. Successful people often fail and learn from it, but their failure never stops them. So you should always “fail forward.” Transform every defeat into humility, drive, passion and use it as an opportunity to focus even better on your goal.

[Success Hacks for Inner Contentment]

Inner satisfaction does not depend on external influences. Learn to accept your individuality and work on becoming the best version of yourself. The key to inner satisfaction is to listen to yourself, find your purpose and then accept it without any ifs or buts. Don't try to imitate other people. Everything becomes easier when you embrace what makes you unique in life. Make someone smile every day.

[Success Hacks for Happiness]

An important key to your personal happiness lies in biochemistry. Neurotoxicology and neurotransmission play an essential role here. If the biochemistry is wrong, you can have everything but still think you have nothing. Make sure to feed their thinking with the right fertilizer. Like inner contentment, true happiness is the result of living life according to purpose. Here too, use your scope and your individuality and keep your purpose in mind.

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